Twitter testing an edit button for premium users only

The Twitter feature people longed for is finally here
Twitter testing an edit button for premium users only
Image source: Twitter – (@twitter)

Many can probably relate to sending out a tweet, just to realize moments later there is a typo. Sometimes, misspelled tweets  end up deleted or reposted. Sometimes the misspelled tweets stay up forever.

Well, the answer to your prayers is finally here. Twitter will be testing a new edit button feature that allows some users to edit their tweets. While many people seem excited about this new feature, others are skeptical of its misuse.

Over the past two years, Twitter has been used as a tool to “cancel” celebrities and even influencers. Twitter detectives are quick to find a tweet from years ago that could potentially damage someone’s reputation, but they have also been known to expose the truth on prominent figures and even businesses. Cancel culture is still alive and well, but this edit button feature could potentially be a win for everyone.

Here are the details. Twitter stated that “premium users who pay $4.99 a month will have a 30-minute window to edit their tweet. Although, it is important to note that each edited tweet will be labeled as such with a timestamp.” Although it is being tested with premium users, they are conducting testing to see what this would look like if it was available to all.

This means those who are not quite ready to pay a monthly fee to use Twitter will have to wait their turn.

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