A White principal at East Forsyth High School was accused of using the N-word while counseling one of his White students to never use the word.
On Sept. 9, principal Jeff Cheney voluntarily reported himself to the superintendent’s office, and apologized for what he said to the student.
The student recorded the conversation with Cheney, and though he’s not shown in the video, school officials acknowledged that it was the principal’s voice.
East Forsyth High School PRINICPAL says the n word without hesitation! @FCSchoolsGA @forsythnews #GoBroncos pic.twitter.com/Hkimn7VuZX
— Forsyth Count (@ForsythCount) September 9, 2022
On the recording, the student asks Cheney, “So what am I calling you that’s so bad?”
Cheney says, “Cracker. Cracker is slang for White and it’s the antonym to [full N-word], which is a very offensive comment, right? So it’s almost like saying that to a White person.”
The school district spokesperson released a statement on Sept. 12 that states, “In the 0.38 second recording Mr. Cheney says, ‘Cracker is slang for White and it’s the antonym to (full N word), which is a very offensive comment.’ He immediately recognized his mistakes in comparing the two words and using the full N word. Mr. Cheney contacted the district office and met with the parents of the student to disclose this information, apologize, and commit to rectifying these mistakes in the future. He is not at school today.”
There has been no disciplinary action taken against Cheney, and the student’s identity has not been released.