NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar pummeled current superstar Kyrie Irving for spreading conspiracy theories that was originally posted by a questionable character.
In the short clip reposted by Irving, which is titled “Never Forget: Alex Jones Tried to Warn Us,” Alex Jones, who owns the infamous Infowars website, said, “Yes, there have been corrupt empires. Yes, they manipulate. Yes, there are secret societies. Yes, there have been oligarch[ies] throughout history, and yes, today, in 2002, there is a tyrannical order organization calling itself the New World Order.”
Irving, a superstar shooting guard for the Brooklyn Nets, just posted a video clip with Jones claiming back in 2002 that a “New World Order” would release “plagues upon us …”
Kyrie Irving just posted a video clip entitled “Never Forget – Alex Jones Tried To Warn Us” with Jones claiming back in 2002 that a “New World Order” would release “plagues upon us…” pic.twitter.com/sz2Ps7Fbrn
— Tommy Beer (@TommyBeer) September 15, 2022
Later in the video, Alex Jones said: “[The government] becomes God, basically, when it comes to your health. And then, by releasing diseases, and viruses, and plagues upon us, we, then, basically get shoved in their system.”
Following Irving’s reposting, the 30-year-old, who serves as the vice president of the National Basketball Players Association, came under fire for his Jones cosign. Jones is currently being sued by the parents of a Sandy Hook massacre victim.
In a recent article, Lakers legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar called Irving’s reposting of Jones’ rants as “destructive, insensitive, and just plain silly.”
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote in the lengthy piece:
“Now Irving is back and more destructive, insensitive, and just plain sill[ier] than before. He decided it would be a good idea to post a 2002 video clip from Infowars founder Alex Jones. Yeah, the guy who has been on trial for denying the Sandy Hook shootings and who previously admitted in open court that he’s a performer and his on-screen persona is just a character (that bilks millions of dollars from unaware viewers).”
Abdul-Jabbar said Irving would not have such an impact if fans didn’t idolize athletes as much as they do.
“Kyrie Irving would be dismissed as a comical buffoon if it weren’t for his influence over young people who look up to athletes. When I look at some of the athletes who have used their status to actually improve society — Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, Muhammad Ali, Bill Russell, Billie Jean King, Arthur Ashe, and more — it becomes clear how much Irving has tarnished the reputations of all athletes who strive to be seen as more than dumb jocks.”