Rolling Out

H Daniel Mujahid says supporting Black businesses means being intentional

The owner of Mujahid & Associates explains how to support Black businesses
H Daniel Mujahid says supporting Black businesses means being intentional
H Daniel Mujahid

H Daniel Mujahid is the owner of Mujahid & Associates, which focuses on areas of automobile systems, green technologies, energy efficiency, climate change, and movie production. Mujahid was present at the National Business League meeting on Nov. 18, where he spoke with rolling out about his partnership with the organization and supporting Black businesses.

Tell us about your partnership with the National Business League.

From a historical perspective, the National Business League is key in terms of our alignment of economic strategies that will benefit particularly the African Americans. These people that came through this peculiar experience where they were reduced from being humans to being now reconstituted, and inheriting their originality is important for all species of human beings to learn from, because in that new essence and innocence, we’re able to model what excellence is economically, politically, business-wise, family-wise, and educational wise for America. That’s something that we tend to miss as Americans when we say Black business, and I’m happy that Dr. Ken Harris’ team is establishing a Black business enterprise designation. It’ll have its own separate challenges, which in themselves will be curriculum, correction, and medicinal for all of America and the world.

How can we support Black businesses?

We can support Black businesses by understanding that when we talk about doing something for them, we’re really talking about returning the original spirit that human beings had by way of one family. 

Those are people that have been withheld from their rights, wrongs and benefits, they tend to have a nature and an example that can inspire everyone to be better. When you intentionally do business, you gain, and the world gains.

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