Model and CEO of Lilly’s Shea creates formula to soothe eczema

Alexis Williams shared how the homemade products derive directly from Africa
Model and CEO of Lilly's Shea creates formula to soothe eczema
Photo courtesy of Alexis D. Williams

Alexis D. Williams is a model and CEO of the skin care brand Lilly’s Shea. She created skin care products after having a bad breakout from eczema and found that others could appreciate the healing products as well.

Which products help with skin-related issues?

All of our products have anti-inflammatory properties that aid skin of all types but especially those who experience eczema and psoriasis. Our products are all-natural and derive from the great Motherland.

What has been your biggest career high and your biggest career low?

My greatest high with Lilly’s Shea is the ability to take my thoughts and make them a reality. It’s truly been a huge leap of faith. That may equally be a low simply because entrepreneurship is new to me. You have to become your own motivator inspired by what you see.

What inspired you to create the brand?

I was inspired by my own experience with eczema. Growing up this condition was always a pain point, and one day it flared up so bad that I couldn’t even recognize myself. After taking control of my total wellness I started to be mindful of the ingredients I put on my skin.

What does your day-to-day schedule look like?

Normally on a day to day, I will check my analytics for my site. From there I will brainstorm some posts for my email list and social media sites. Working on shipping out orders, and finding new ways to market myself.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned in your career?

I’ve learned that no one is going to save you. You have to become your own savior with the vision that God has given you. Once I realized this, it continuously puts this life into perspective.

Describe the skills that will be essential to future entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators.

A skill that I have found to be essential is the art of intentionality. It’s easy to dream and desire things but it’s another story to go after them. Organizing my day and being intentional with getting up early is something I have been making great use of because time waits for no one.

Describe how you set goals and evaluate your success.

I’ve started to set goals but using my digital planner and discussing them with God. Knowing that this is a vision he has given me, I remain grounded. My evaluation of my success is knowing that I have not given up. Even the failures or mistakes I experience are a part of the wins.

What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps career-wise?

The only advice I would give is to trust God at every step of the process. Allow him to guide you and he will direct your path.

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