Rolling Out

Diddy angry video was released, says it doesn’t tell whole story

Diddy was incensed the video got released and thinks it’s part of a larger agenda

Diddy is completely submerged under an avalanche of sexual assault lawsuits, federal investigations, innuendos, and a damning video of him beating down singer Cassie.

The New York Post reports that the Bad Boy boss is incensed that the video was leaked which he claims does not show the “full story” of the encounter.

“It’s his position that there was an agenda in releasing the video when it was released,” the Post reports an insider saying. “But ultimately, he knows that his big concern is the raids on his house; the Cassie video is just a distraction.”

CNN procured and released the hip-hop mogul kicking, grabbing, dragging and throwing a vase at Ventura as she tried to escape from the now-defunct InterContinental hotel in Los Angeles in 2016. The video seemed to have sealed his fate as guilty in the court of public opinion. 

The video was released six months after Cassie filed a lawsuit in New York, charging Sean “Diddy” Combs with sex trafficking, rape, sexual assault, drug use and domestic violence.

The case was settled out of court the following day for millions of dollars, damaging Diddy’s credibility and image in the public’s mind and verifying the veracity of Cassie’s claims.

In the past week, Diddy has apologized on video for the Cassie beatdown in L.A.

“It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life, but sometimes you got to do that,” Diddy said in a video on Instagram. “I was f—ed up. I hit rock bottom — but I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable.” The rapper added: “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video, I’m disgusted.”

Cassie admonished the public and fellow music artists about reserving judgment the next time a person claims they are being abused. 

“My only ask is that everyone open your heart to believing victims the first time,” she penned on Instagram. “It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in.”

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