Rolling Out

Ming Luanli opens up about her relationship with sister Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj (Photo credit: /

Ming Luanli, also known as Ming Maraj, recently shared insights into her relationship with her famous half sister, Nicki Minaj, during an appearance on the We In Miami podcast. Despite sharing the same father, Ming revealed that their relationship has complexities.

Challenges and misconceptions

Ming discussed the challenges of growing up with a celebrity sibling, including being bullied at school. She expressed that despite the external assumptions, she never relied on Nicki’s fame to achieve her goals. “I just needed her to see that I can do it, and she could be proud of me,” Ming stated, emphasizing her desire for independence and recognition on her own merits.

Current relationship dynamics

While admitting that they were never close due to Nicki’s busy lifestyle, Ming clarified that there is no animosity between them. “We’re gonna argue. My sister gets mad at me. This is nothing new; siblings gonna fight,” she explained. Ming also appreciated Nicki’s efforts to stay connected, noting that her sister made sure they were well, even from a distance.

Public perception and social media reactions

The public’s reaction to Ming’s comments was largely positive, with many praising her for not speaking negatively about her sister. Comments from social media highlighted her maturity and independence, celebrating her approach to handling personal relationships in the public eye.

As of now, Nicki Minaj has not publicly responded to Ming’s remarks, and the sisters do not follow each other on Instagram, adding another layer to the public’s intrigue in their relationship.

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