Following a vegan diet doesn’t mean giving up protein

PBD Grey has seen major improvements in his life since adopting a vegan diet

In 2016, PBD Grey made a major change in his life by switching to a vegan diet. Grey has seen improvements in his life since and is an advocate for other people to make the change.

Grey spoke with rolling out about the health benefits of being vegan, why he eats to live, and why things like fasting are important.

How do you deal with the loss of protein on a vegan diet?

You’re getting your protein from what the animal or where that animal is getting its protein from, so what you want to do is cut out the middleman and go straight to the source and get that protein. There is protein in broccoli, chickpeas, lentils and vegetables. You have the vegetables on one chart, but the whole food pyramid is BS. They make you think you can only get protein from meat and if you don’t, you’re gonna die. That’s 100% false. What you do need to look out for if you are going to go 100% vegan is where are you going to get your vitamin D, where are you going to get your vitamin A and where are you going to get your vitamin K. Those vitamins and minerals, that is specifically what you’re going to seek out. Omega-3s, all that stuff, but not so much the protein. I promise you are not going to die from protein deficiency.

Finish this sentence. You eat to live, because?

My children. I have to be there for them. I eat to live because I want to live and I want to live more life. I want to consume life to have more life.

Why is fasting important?

Fasting is important because it helps with your gut health. I did an Arden’s Garden two-day detox with two big gallons of just grapefruit juice and water in just two days. I know somebody who was on a water fast for like a month. Just straight water, and then he did a nothing diet. He didn’t eat anything and he didn’t drink anything. It was for like two or three weeks, maybe longer, but he started seeing energy orbs around people. In my mind, I think he’s going to pass out, but once you get into it, you start understanding it’s either you eat your food as medicine or you are going to be eating medicine as food as you get older. You’re going to be popping high-blood pressure pills. Just look at your family, it’s right there for you. Look at your family, look at the age and see how long you have until that age. That’s going to be you if you don’t change.

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