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Alvin C. Wesley discusses the importance of perseverance in business

In an exclusive interview, Wesley discusses overcoming challenges, the role of US Bank, and why Black businesses are primed for success

In the heart of Chicago, Alvin C. Wesley has built more than just a hat store. Brims and Accessories has become a symbol of resilience, community, and Black excellence. As part of US Bank’s Access Business Tour, Wesley opens up about the unique challenges facing Black business owners today and shares his thoughts on why now is the time for Black businesses to rise. From maintaining inventory to ensuring financial stability, Wesley explains what it takes to thrive in today’s market and why supporting one another is the key to long-term success.

We are now on this Access Business Tour with US Bank. Why is a tour like this important?

Because you guys showed up.

So what’s it like being a Black business?

Oh, well, yeah, I think it’s our time. It continues to be our time. It’s about us doing the work; that’s all that’s required.

What have been some of your challenges?

Being able to keep the inventory going. Inventory is the most important part, and making sure we have the funding in order to manage it.

Why do you bank with US Bank? What makes them so special?

I’ve been using them for quite some time. Never had a real problem with them. As long as they continue to handle our money in a fashionable way, then we’re okay.

What encouraging words do you have for Black businesses?

I’m gonna be like our new president [Kamala Harris]. She exemplifies what we all should be able to do. We can go forward by just determining that we want to be successful in whatever we do. The way we become successful is to treat everyone in a manner we want to be treated. And if we do that, we will never go wrong.

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