Sarah Jakes Roberts’ Woman Evolve conference creates safe space for attendees

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts. (Photo credit: Cyndi B for Woman Evolve)

From the same ministry that produced the “Woman Thou Art Loosed” conference, which encouraged, empowered, and awakened the woman in its attendees, comes “Woman Evolve.” The Potter’s House church in Dallas produced the former, led by renowned Bishop T.D. Jakes, and also produces this iteration, which will be held in the Dallas area — specifically, Arlington, Texas — from Sept. 26-28.

The bishop’s younger daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, co-pastor of ONE LA with her husband Touré, a Potter’s House church in Los Angeles, has taken up his mantle for this powerful conference, in which the goal is to build bridges, tear down walls, and break barriers, but now on the next level — to evolve.

Eddy “Precise” Lamarre, rolling out‘s man in Chicago, caught up with Roberts to talk about “Woman Evolve,” and their conversation follows:

In what ways do you believe “Woman Evolve 2024” will empower women and families attending the event? 

I believe that “Woman Evolve” is going to empower women to let down their walls, confront their hopes, examine their fears, and ultimately surrender to God’s plan for their lives. I believe that what happens at “Woman Evolve” is beneficial because when a woman gets a clear vision from God about His love for her, His desire to walk with her, to partner with her, to allow heaven to invade the earth through her, it affirms her, it stretches her, and to do it in the context of community is so powerful. 

Can you share some key highlights or sessions that attendees can look forward to at this year’s conference? 

The Pajama Panel has been a staple in the “Woman Evolve” conference since its conception in 2018. The Pajama Panel is where we come literally in pajamas, and we have real talk about where we are in our faith, where we are in our healing journey, what we’re learning about God, and what we have to release to God. I’m looking forward to hearing Priscilla Shirer speak. I think she’s going to be amazing. We’re going to have a prayer service. During this service, the screen will feature prayers from the women in the room. It’s going to be an opportunity for us to encounter God’s presence and to invite God’s presence into matters of the heart. I think that that’s going to be one of the most powerful sessions as well. 

How does the theme of “Woman Evolve 2024” align with your own mission and values? 

The theme of “Woman Evolve 2024” is SURRENDER. It aligns with my own missions and values because I’ve picked up some beliefs along the way, beliefs that I know didn’t come from God but have formed what I believe, what I think, and the way that I show up. Learning more about God, and who I am in God requires me to surrender who I am not. And I believe that this is a journey. It’s not a destination. This theme resonates with me, personally. As I see God moving and shifting in new ways in my life, I want to make sure that I’m not standing in the way of what He wants to do. Surrender is a heart posture. It’s not a one-time thing. It’s something that we do over and over again. 

Why do you think it’s crucial for women to come together in events like “Woman Evolve,” and how does it contribute to their personal and spiritual growth? 

There is nothing more powerful than community. Though I know that we are more digitally connected than ever, there are some things that don’t replace human connection. In human connection, we are reminded we aren’t alone. In non-verbal communication, we see that we aren’t the only ones who have something to cry about. There is beauty in connection, especially when that connection is in the presence of God with the intent of vulnerability and healing. There’s someone sitting right next to you, not minding your business, but in your business, in that, we’re all seeking God about His direction.

Through our relationship with Jesus, we grow and become better. And when we get to do that on a journey with other people, when one person is weak, we get to strengthen them. So, I believe the power of “Woman Evolve” is what happens in the context of community.

Can you share a personal story or experience where letting God lead your life made a significant impact? 

I think “Woman Evolve” is a prime example of that. When I first started speaking, I was requested by so many people to host a conference, but I just didn’t want to. I didn’t feel like it was necessary for me to host a conference just because people liked my preaching or people were following me on social media. It wasn’t until God gave me a revelation about Eve that I felt like, “Okay, this is something that I feel like every woman should know and every medium possible.” So I tried to curate different outlets that would allow women to receive this message of what it means to be on a journey of evolving, sometimes from great to even greater, and then sometimes from shame into better.

And because I recognized that women from all walks of life were on this journey as a result of social media, “Woman Evolve” became that gift to me, but I had to wait and resist the pressure to do what other people would do if they were me, and to really wait to hear from God. Letting God lead my life in that way has allowed me to meet so many incredible women who have strengthened my faith, so many incredible women who have confirmed what God has said to me. There are so many things that God has revealed to me through the existence of Woman Evolve. I just think about Dr. Anita Phillips and how meeting her in hopes of serving “Woman Evolve,” actually helped me with my own mental health journey. Following God has led me to walk on water and stretch myself, but also to discover what God knows about me. 

What message or takeaway do you hope attendees will leave with after participating in “Woman Evolve 2024”? 

I hope that women will come to see that surrender is not defeat. When you think about war, surrender is this moment in which one side gives in to the other side, and the other side has victory, right? But, when we surrender to God, His victory is our victory. I am praying that there will be a restoration of our trust in Jesus, a restoration of our trust in God, a renewed hope and optimism that the plans that God has for us are good. And by good, I don’t mean easy. By good, I don’t mean that there won’t be complications. By good, I mean that we will always have access to God’s presence. And in God’s presence, every resource that we need, strength, peace, hope, rest, and comfort is available to us, and we can literally do all things through Christ because of that access. 

How do you see the role of faith in empowering women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals? 

I believe that faith, specifically faith in Jesus, is critical in empowering women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. I don’t know that anyone can fully understand what it feels like having the weight of the world, quite literally, on your shoulders while also navigating criticism and support and family dynamics and still maintain this commitment to obedience like Jesus. And when we see how Jesus persevered when we see how Jesus confronted His enemies or didn’t confront His enemies, when we see how Jesus had humility, how His heart was still to do good, where He blessed those who cursed Him.

I think His life is a template for us on how to navigate the realities of purpose while also dealing with the real difficulty that comes with pursuing that purpose. Having faith, not just in ourselves, though, I think that having faith in what God placed in us is important, but having a faith that exists outside of ourselves for the days when we don’t feel like ourselves is critical to overcoming challenges and achieving our goals. 

What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant about attending the conference or about embracing their faith journey?

 One of the things that I will say about “Woman Evolve” is that it definitely is “whosoever will, let them come.” I never leave a “Woman Evolve” space without thanking God for allowing me to be a part of it. When we are planning our conference, we’re not thinking about the women who know every scripture. We’re not thinking about the women who feel confident coming into faith spaces. We create this conference with you in mind, an environment where you will receive the truth, where you will receive authenticity, where you can come in as you are. I know sometimes faith spaces can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never been or haven’t been in a long time, but I want you to know that when we’re putting our programming together when we’re seeking God, that Woman Evolve started for women like you, and our core principle is to make sure that it continues to be a safe space for women like you.

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