In a heartwarming episode of “The Jennifer Hudson Show,” the multi-talented Jennifer Hudson welcomed a special guest who has captured the hearts of many: 5-year-old viral sensation, Christopher Bess, affectionately known as Coach CB. This delightful young star is not just an internet phenomenon but also a budding basketball coach, and his appearance on the show brought smiles and inspiration to viewers everywhere.
Meet Coach CB: The youngest basketball coach
Christopher Bess, the son of a North Carolina high school basketball coach, gained fame earlier this year for his motivational speeches to his father’s team. His infectious enthusiasm and dedication to the sport have made him a beloved figure online, earning him a spot on Hudson’s show. During his interview, Bess shared insights into his daily routine, revealing that he wakes up as early as 3 or 5 a.m. on Saturdays to prepare for his coaching duties.
Hudson was taken aback by his commitment, exclaiming, “You take this job very seriously!” To which Bess humorously responded, “I got to get paid a lot!” This exchange perfectly encapsulates the charming personality of this young coach.
A day in the life of Coach CB
In addition to his early mornings, Bess shared his breakfast routine, which consists of french toast sticks and Cheerios, and his version of “coffee,” which is simply a box of apple juice. Impressively, he is also learning Spanish, showcasing his ambition and eagerness to grow.
A surprise gift from the Lakers
As the segment progressed, Hudson surprised Bess with a special gift that would make any young basketball fan’s dreams come true. After expressing his disappointment about missing a Lakers game during his last visit to Los Angeles, Hudson revealed that the Los Angeles Lakers had sent a surprise for him. She presented him with a Lakers jersey and tickets for him and his family to attend a Lakers game.
The joy on Bess’ face was priceless as he cheered, “Thank you!” and ran to Hudson for a heartfelt hug. This touching moment has resonated with audiences, amassing nearly 6 million views on TikTok and over 100,000 views on Instagram Reels. It’s clear that this little coach is making waves at just 5 years old, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for him.
Why Coach CB is an inspiration
Christopher Bess’ story is a reminder of the power of passion and dedication, regardless of age. His ability to inspire his peers and adults alike demonstrates that age is just a number when it comes to making an impact. The joy he brings to the basketball community and beyond is a testament to the positive influence that young people can have.
As we approach the holiday season, stories like that of Coach CB and Hudson remind us of the importance of kindness, generosity and the joy of giving. Hudson’s thoughtful gesture not only made Bess’s day but also highlighted the spirit of the holidays — bringing happiness to others.
Hudson continues to shine as a beacon of positivity and inspiration, and her interaction with Coach CB is just one example of her commitment to uplifting young talent. As we celebrate the achievements of remarkable individuals like Bess, let us also remember to support and encourage the dreams of the next generation.