Search Results for: paparazzi

Celebrities who love the paparazzi

Most stars don’t hate the paparazzi personally — it’s their jobs that cause the rift. Celebrity photographers get big bucks for photos of some of

Celebrities who fight paparazzi

Every celebrity has a different relationship with the paparazzi. While many of our stars can credit the paps for taking their career to the next

Kanye West says he’s afraid for his daughter because of paparazzi

Kanye West claims that he and his wife Kim Kardashian put down a deposit on a $20 million estate in the Hidden Hills of Calabasas, California. And they are looking to move to the property because he fears for his family due to the over-the-top intrusions of the paparazzi.

Lamar Odom attacks paparazzi

Angry black man, Lamar Odom, 33, confronts a photographer and then another in the streets of California as a bus full of tourists drove by. The