A black man’s journey to greatness: 9 prominent pullman porters

pullman porter collageTo many working-class blacks, the Pullman Porter had it made. He traveled around the country, had firsthand encounters with politicians and celebrities, and, more importantly, a steady job. Plus the tips were an added bonus.

It’s no doubt, Pullman Porters made up an integral part of the emerging middle class fabric. These professionals were to the sleeping cars (an innovative railroad car with accommodations for sleeping, designed by George Pullman) much like today’s manager and bellhop are to a hotel, providing comfort, customer service and security.

Did you know pop legend Michael Jackson’s maternal grandfather was a Pullman Porter? Prince Albert Scruse III, also written as Screws, left Alabama to make Indiana home, as part of the Great Migration, in search of prosperity.

Serving as a Pullman Porter and overseeing this “hotel on wheels” not only helped black men take care of their families and save enough money to send their children to college, but it also allowed for seasonal employment during the peak travel season, summer, allowing many black college students to earn money for schooling and other expenses.

Here’s a list of nine notable Pullman Porters who were influencers in entertainment and civil rights.

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