
Stacey Dash insults Hillary Clinton

When it comes to Stacey Dash these days, it’s less about what camera she’s in front of and more about what kind of outrageous things

Jeb Bush offends Asians?

Following last week’s debacle when Donald Trump used the controversial term “anchor babies” to complain about Hispanic parents seeking to birth babies on American soil to gain citizenship

Twitter reaction: Who won the 1st GOP debate?

Last night, the Republican debate opened with sparks flying over Donald Trump’s refusal to rule out an independent run, seemingly opening the floodgates for the rest

From prison to Pell Grant recipient

The Obama Administration’s Education Department has implemented the Second Chance Pell Pilot, which will allow prisoners in both state and federal facilities to pursue an

The rise of Donald Trump

A new America was born the evening of Nov. 4, 2008, when Senator Barack Obama won the presidential election. That evening changed the American political