Christopher Dorner releases manifesto, kills three
A manhunt is currently underway for a former Los Angeles police officer who says he’s waging war against those in uniform and their families. Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33, is considered armed and extremely dangerous and believed to be responsible for three deaths since Sunday.
Before going on what’s being called a rampage, the angered ex-cop released a lengthy manifesto on Facebook ticking off his reasons for his actions. According to Dorner he was wrongfully fired after reporting a field training officer for using excessive force on a suspect. Dorner, who was with the LAPD from 2005-2008, said the officer kicked a suspect in the head. The LAPD Board of Rights ruled that the complaint was false.
In Dorner’s note he promises to wreak havoc on those he blames for his termination and law enforcement who continue to stand idly by. In particular Dorner’s note calls out retired police official Randy Quan who represented him at the hearing that led to his termination. Quan’s daughter, Monica Quan and her fiancé were shot dead in a parking garage Sunday night. Dorner says he blames Quan for “suppressing the truth. “I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, (so) I am terminating yours,” wrote Dorner.

Dorner’s ultimate goal is to have his name cleared in connection to the false statement claims. He promises to stop the attacks once the department admits his innocence to the public. “Self preservation is no longer important to me,” wrote the ex-cop/U.S. Navy reservist. “I do not fear death as a I died long ago on 1/2/09, I was told by my mother that sometimes bad things happen to good people. The violence of action will be high. … I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty […] You will now live the life of the prey. You have misjudged a sleeping giant.”
Police say he may be driving a black or blue 2005 Nissan Titan pickup truck. His last known address was in La Palma in northern Orange County near Fullerto. The truck will have California license plate 8D83987 or 7X09131. Police believe he may have switched the license plates in an attempt to elude them.
In addition to the deaths of those connected with Randy Quan, Christopher Dorner is being blamed for the death of a police officer. On Wednesday two officers were shot at in the city of Cornona where they were providing security to a person named in the manifesto. One officer was grazed in the head, the other was uninjured. Later two other officers at a stop light in Riverside were targeted. One died and the other was taken to a local hospital.
So far police have shot at least two innocent people while searching for Dorner. They are asking civilians to take caution and call 911 immediately if they spot him.
Part of Dorner’s lengthy manifesto is below. -danielle canada