In part two of a very revealing interview, Noel Biderman, founder of AshleyMadison.com, the website where marrieds go to cheat, tells rolling out that Atlanta is home of the Swirl, monogamy is a myth, and why open marriages are the best kind to have.
Do AshleyMadison couples divorce at a higher rate?
I haven’t studied that. What has been studied is that couples in open marriages, couples who have de-emphasized monogamy, have ultimately been more successful in their marriages if you define success as not being divorced.
Why are open marriages more successful?
A couple in a good relationship has just as many challenges around economic, their jobs, etc., and if all they’ve changed is their sex life, they become much more successful. I think if they’re looking to pursue an affair, they are doing it as a divorce alternative, so [the affair] acts as a marriage preservation.
Is monogamy a myth?
Monogamy has always has been a myth. Even in Biblical times, Moses, the man who brought the tablets [The Ten Commandments] down wasn’t monogamous. We’ve always deluded ourselves…infidelity has always been there, it is just more exposed and discussed.