As a new member of the “Natural Hair Club” I can attest that embracing my hair in its natural state has been a bit of a challenge. In a world where black women have numerous options to choose from when it comes to their hair, whether it’s extensions, wigs, braids, dread locks, relaxed or natural, the last thing we need is to worry about what a man thinks about our hair.
Wearing my hair natural has opened my eyes in many ways. The reactions and comments I received from men were most interesting. During this mini research experiment, I’ve found that since I’ve been wearing my hair in its natural state, men have shied away from approaching me.
Recently, I was at a social gathering with some friends, when a young man approached me. He began to tell me that he and his friends had been standing nearby discussing my hair for the last 20 minutes or so. I gave him a blank look and he proceeded to explain that he thought my hair was “dope” and unique but one of his other friends didn’t care for it. Mind you, this young man was a total stranger to me, so I was perplexed as to why he thought it was OK to come over and offer his unsolicited opinion of my hair. I politely thanked him and ended the conversation.
On the flip side, I’ve had a handful of men who would approach me just to let me know they liked my hair … because it was different. Now it could be that it was blonde, or that it was blonde and natural, either way, men are noticing our hair and most haven’t quite embraced the “natural movement.” This prompts the question, do you want a man who doesn’t accept you for who you are in your entirety? Didn’t think so.
Whether you wear your hair straight, natural, relaxed, shaved or colored … just rock it with confidence! Only you know yourself and only you can define your style. It’s just hair guys … so stop trippin’.
–mckenzie harris