Nicki Minaj Announces Political Affiliation In Song?
Nicki Minaj always makes outlandish statements whether with her rap lines or her bizarre choice of dress but her latest antics could very well cost her some fans. The Young Money rapper is being blasted for a line she rapped on Lil Wayne’s Dedication 4 mixtape. On it, the so-called Harajuku Barbie says she’s supporting Republican Mitt Romney for President; “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/you lazy b—-s are f—- up the economy,” says Minaj. The line is from Lil Wayne’s remake of G.O.O.D. Music’s hit “Mercy.” Since the song’s release, Nicki’s found herself criticized by outright angry fans. “No longer supporting @nickiminaj. She rather her student fans lose healthcare & have student loan cuts under Romney than take a 3% tax crease,” wrote a fan online.”Completing her transformation to a white person, Nicki Minaj supports Romney,” chided another.
Before today’s melee Minaj did make a brief mention of her disappointment with Obamacare and even directed a few tweets towards President Obama himself after comedian and ‘Moesha’ star Yvette Wilson passed away. “What’s sad is that when Yvette was bringing home the bacon, the gov’t was probably taking millions,” wrote Minaj. On her deathbed though, #NoWhereToBeFound. That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much involved. Just give FREE health care to all. @barackobama!”
While Nicki could very well be disappointed with the country’s healthcare, her line in Lil Wayne’s song comes off as lazy itself. The line probably has nothing to do with her real views on politics but the lethargic rapper couldn’t resist throwing in the Republican’s name just for the sake of making headlines and making a simple, kindergarten like rhyme anyone could accomplish. How lame. Keep in mind however that is the same woman who remarked that she if she had a penis she’d urinate on her detractors because you know, she’s a real class act and a bad b— to boot. Hopefully her brainwashed “Barbies” take her latest round of rubbish rap at face value and don’t attempt to blindly follow in her footsteps without doing their own research. Tonight marks the start of the Democratic National Convention, First Lady Michelle Obama and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro will both deliver speeches.
Listen to Nicki talking politics on Lil Wayne’s renditi0n of “Mercy” below. -danielle canada