Wendy Williams blames Chris Brown’s mother for his violent behavior

Wendy Williams, Chris Brown

How many more times will the world have to hear that Chris Brown has another court case? Yes, we all know of the explosive case that has gotten America’s most talented poster boy on the scene of domestic violence. It went something like this. At 12:30 a.m. on Feb. 8, 2009, Brown and his girlfriend, singer, writer, and soulful sister Rihanna, had an argument that escalated into physical violence. Where was the person to give advice or to just pull him aside and stop him from acting the damn fool? (Like my Grandfather called it when I did wrong.)

Hold on, wait! We now have Wendy Williams coming to aid the young lad. Friday on her show, Williams joined the media escapades in giving advice to this troubled young man. She commented that his mother should have gotten him help sooner. This I concur with, but I feel there is more to this than just needing help sooner or later. Chris Brown’s life and recent unusual problems are seen by many because his life is in the social media.

Many young black men are on the front page media somewhat like Brown. I have seen many news reports during the day that displayed our young black youth driving through Atlanta at top speed in a stolen SUV with Georgia’s finest in pursuit. They eventually catch those young men at that moment or a few days later.

When I heard this; it only briefly drew my attention away from the conversation I was having with other men my age. I thought about discussing this incident but chose not to, and to my surprise, my morning cohorts didn’t as well.  It seemed we mutually shared another “look at us now moment.” However, in the back of my mind, I thought “but how can I make a change?”

Do you remember the old-school rap song “Self-destruction, we’re headed for self-destruction!”? Well, as they say, every 20 years customs and fads return. Just like those fads and high top hair styles. One that needs to return with the quickness is Big Brother, mentors; leaders taking time to assist and teach the young black men of America.

We are losing our young black men just like the 1980s, so now we should be asking ourselves what we can do to change this situation. Let’s help educate and sustain the black male population first. While implementing the Big Brother, mentor and leaders program in our communities. If you come up with a great idea, plan, or dream that you feel would positively impact our young black men, share it with others that have the mutual determination of helping our young men see that there is more to life then to kill, rob, rape, and acting a fool!  –terence merritt, your man in the streets

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