George Zimmerman wants Florida to pay $300K of his legal fees


George Zimmerman wants Florida to pay his legal fees

The so-called “most hated man in America” just gave people even more reason to detest him now that he wants the state of Florida to pay his legal fees. In the forthcoming days defense attorney Mark O’Mara is expected to file a motion to recoup between $200,000-$300,000 from the state on behalf of George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman’s acquittal for the murder of Trayvon Martin makes him eligible for the reimbursement that will be used to refund the enormous amount the defense spent on fees for expert witnesses, court reporters and travel.

“That is a ballpark estimate,” Shawn Vincent, a spokesman for Zimmerman’s legal team told reporters Monday. “It will be a few weeks before everything is all together and we’re in a position to file that motion.”

“It’s a pretty standard motion for a case that the defense won,” he added.

Under Florida law, a defendant who’s acquitted isn’t liable for costs associated with his or her case. O’Mara will reportedly file the motion with state Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, the same judge who presided over Zimmerman’s trial.

Just last week Zimmerman made headlines after he was spotted shopping for a 12-gauge shotgun from the same company that manufactured the PF-9 handgun that was used to kill Trayvon Martin.

-danielle canada

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