
RSVP Gallery hosts #Heineken100 in Chicago

The tastemakers of Chicago were all at RSVP Gallery for #Heineken100. RSVP hosted this event sponsored by Heineken in partnership with High Snobriety. The purpose

Fanta Celah: The cosmic artist

What is the definition of art? Who can really put a finger on it, stake a claim and state what it is definitively? The reality

Yorli Huff: Ex undercover drug agent turned superhero

Empowerment comes in many forms. Self-empowerment provides the confidence and resilience needed to  overcome obstacles that may seem insurmountable. This type of empowerment is necessary as

Rhymefest on ‘In My Father’s House,’ and his evolving view of Black manhood

Rhymefest’s gripping documentary, “In My Father’s House,” showcases the Chicago rapper’s journey to reconnect with his long lost father. As Rhymefest exposes his personal journey and also the foibles of the dad he’s only just now coming to know, he admitted that meeting and understanding his father Brian made him more aware of his own flaws.