dating tips

Man Lessons: The Value of an Apology

“Never apologize for something that wasn’t your fault.” I can still hear my father’s voice as he tapped into his inner Mr. Miyagi, while grooming

Man Lessons: The Art of Being Direct

I’m sure that if you tried hard enough, you undoubtedly could write some beautiful, flowery prose potent enough to metaphorically knock her socks off …

Love Lessons With Lil Wayne

In my line of work, I’ve been fortunate to meet so many amazing people … some famous, others infamous, and then there are those who

Love Quotables: Chapter 22

Last night, I aimlessly walked the streets of Amsterdam with no set destination in mind. Now, it wasn’t like I didn’t have anywhere to go.

How to Rate Yourself in Relationships

A major problem in the dating world is there aren’t enough people willing to give themselves an honest self-evaluation. This lack of internal honesty starts

I Hate My Husband; Should I Leave?

*The following is a continuation of rolling out’s series with relationship author DeWayne Rogers, and his column The Fly Guy Chronicles. Dear Fly Guy, I