Man Lessons: The Value of an Apology
“Never apologize for something that wasn’t your fault.” I can still hear my father’s voice as he tapped into his inner Mr. Miyagi, while grooming
“Never apologize for something that wasn’t your fault.” I can still hear my father’s voice as he tapped into his inner Mr. Miyagi, while grooming
I’m sure that if you tried hard enough, you undoubtedly could write some beautiful, flowery prose potent enough to metaphorically knock her socks off …
In my line of work, I’ve been fortunate to meet so many amazing people … some famous, others infamous, and then there are those who
Last night, I aimlessly walked the streets of Amsterdam with no set destination in mind. Now, it wasn’t like I didn’t have anywhere to go.
God wasn’t giving me the perfect words because they were already given to Marley.
A major problem in the dating world is there aren’t enough people willing to give themselves an honest self-evaluation. This lack of internal honesty starts
It’s a beautiful day to learn more about love.
*The following is a continuation of rolling out’s series with relationship author DeWayne Rogers, and his column The Fly Guy Chronicles.* In a perfect world,
*The following is a continuation of rolling out’s series with relationship author DeWayne Rogers, and his column The Fly Guy Chronicles. Dear Fly Guy, I
Looking back over my relationship résumé, I can safely say that I’ve done my fair share of things that have caused me embarrassment in the
A close friend was recently hit with a disturbing amount of bad news. Now, it wasn’t the death of a loved one or a terminal