Diet Plan

Diet plan: What to eat before a workout

If you normally eat a healthy diet and are getting enough calories to support your activity level, you can probably rely on your own appetite, energy

Leg-toning exercises

Who doesn’t want legs like Tina Turner? The best women’s legs in the world are on women who stay active and use them a lot. Legs

Common weight loss mistakes women make

Have you ever just gotten tired of all the working out and eating right because the pounds just won’t come off? Not to worry, you

Diet plan: Tone your arms for summer

Are you tired of hiding your arms under sweaters and layered tops in the summer? Well summer is quickly approaching and that means it will be

More reasons to use apple cider vinegar

When buying apple cider vinegar, it’s best to purchase the  organic and unfiltered version so ensure that all of its nutritional value is in it. Bragg’s

Reasons to use apple cider vinegar daily

Apple cider vinegar has been used around the world for thousands of years to treat a myriad of conditions and ailments from arthritis to rashes.