health equity

heart attack

5 ways heart attacks harm Black women more

The story of heart disease in Black women reflects broader patterns of health inequality in America. Medical records reveal that cardiovascular problems strike earlier, hit


Black men face hidden heart disease battle in America

In a bustling clinic in downtown Atlanta, Dr. Marcus Richardson witnesses firsthand the silent crisis that’s reshaping Black communities across America. As cardiovascular disease continues

black, melanoma

Hidden dangers of melanoma in African Americans

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from melanocytes, cells responsible for skin pigmentation. While individuals with darker skin, like many African Americans,

sexual education

Why black men deserve more than basic sexual education

Pioneering advocate transforms community health through education The landscape of sexual health education requires significant transformation, especially in addressing the unique needs of Black men.

immune system

FDA revolutionizes nutrition with new food standards

Revolutionary labeling system promises to reshape consumer choices Revolutionary changes in food standards The landscape of American nutrition is undergoing a historic transformation as the

racial bias in healthcare

Health stats unionize, demand action on discrimination

Numbers demand immediate reform, threaten to stop adding up correctly In a groundbreaking development, medical statistics have collectively refused to continue reporting health disparities without