
Elisa Johnson’s Instagram fashion photos

Elisa Johnson’s brother EJ Johnson is known for his various fashion looks; however, it’s safe to say that some of his fashion inspiration comes from his

Spike Lee’s emotional tribute to the late Ruby Dee

Famed director Spike Lee worked with the late, great Ruby Dee on films such as Jungle Fever and Do the Right Thing, and as news spread of her passing this week, Lee posted a few words on Instagram about the beloved actress and activist.

Inspiration: How to wear your box braids

Boho box braids, better known as “The Poetic Justice” made popular by Janet Jackson’s role as Justice in the movie years ago, is the perfect

Kelly Rowland fashion Instagram photos

Kelly Rowland‘s recent fashion Instagram photo is spilling the beans on her big announcement, but it’s definitely not her first great fashion moment. Confirming pregnancy

Celebrity Instagram: Sexy women in bikinis

School’s out and summertime is life in effect! Since spring break season, we’ve watched some of our favorite sexy celebs break out their new bikinis.