notre dame


Paris: Exploring the City of Light

Paris, the enchanting capital of France, is a city that has captivated the hearts of travelers for centuries. With the Olympics fast approaching, it’s the

Top colleges for NFL draft picks

NFL draft picks have marked the beginning for some and major disappointment for others. For those not old enough to participate in the draft as of

‘Te’oing’ takes over social media

Te’oing photos After Manti Te’o’s bizarre faux girlfriend tale was exposed, a new trend appeared on social media of people posing with their invisible partners.

Mati Te’o lied about his girlfriend

Turns out that Manti Te’o story about his dead girlfriend was just as fraudulent as Notre Dame’s No. 1 ranking. He did just what the

Bienvenue: Top 6 Sites in Paris

This traveling writer stood at the American Airlines gate anxiously awaiting the announcement that would signify the start of my first trip to Paris –