Rosario Dawson

9 most racially ambiguous celebrities

Hollywood is home to the rich, famous, successful and beautiful. While many who watch Hollywood closely would think that the standard for beauty is …

Best dressed at Cannes Film Festival

Stars from around the world flock to France each year, dressed in their most expensive designer gowns for the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. While some

‘Trance’ movie review

Stars: James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel, Danny Sapani Not only is Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle the mastermind behind the heartrending Slumdog Millionaire and the

10 hottest black actresses, part 2

Continuing our breakdown of Hollywood’s hottest black actresses, check out 10 more of our top movie mavens. –ruthie hawkins

Celebrity plastic surgery: Breast augmentations

  Celebrities are always trying to improve their appearance.  Breasts implants and augmentations are very common for celebrity women who have always wanted a little