it takes two
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money matters:
balancing romance and finance
in love is easy. Staying in love and sustaining a healthy relationship
is the true challenge. And with money issues becoming a common cause of
disagreements between lovers, you may have to start passing out
financial compatibility tests on the first date. No matter what your
financial status is, balancing your love life, along with your
checkbook is important in maintaining a strong bond in your
partnership. Because a simple thing like saving money may ultimately
save your relationship.
Talk about it. The crux of
money struggles often stems from a lack of communication. People put
off discussing financial expectations like HIV testing; they know it’s
important, but no one wants to talk about it. Stop being afraid to get
serious about your finances – especially if joint bank accounts are in
your future.
Old Habits Die Hard. Levels of responsibility differ for each
individual; however, when you choose to enter a relationship, it’s like
getting a crash course in understanding your lover’s spending habits.
People who constantly spend may not be financially compatible with
people who constantly save. So, it’s necessary to find a spending plan
that suits both of your monetary needs and fits within your budgets.
Patience is a virtue and it’s a necessity in relationships. Whatever
financial preparations you and your partner have made for the future,
understand that those plans may take time to manifest. As long as
there’s a consistent effort from both parties to grow together
emotionally, spiritually, mentally and financially, then success, in
all aspects of your relationship, is well within your reach.
Romance and finance can be the bond that keeps couples together, but it
can also be the one issue that causes people to drift apart. To ensure
that you and your partner don’t get caught up in the common cycle of
unhealthy money-handling habits, make sure that you share your thoughts
and issues with each other so there are no surprises. –jamana jamison