natalie j. evans – entertaining and educating

natalie j. evans – entertaining and educating

photo by steed media service

Producer, “The Night Train” (1430 AM KCOH)

As the producer, creator and host of “The Night Train,” a Houston radio program which airs on 1430 AM KCOH, Natalie J. Evans offers listeners a variety of jazz flavors with an East Coast appeal and international sound. The show’s format is a mix of jazz music and on-air interviews with political leaders and community activists.

“That’s the kind of thing that ‘The Night Train’ has become renowned for in terms of always providing the community with [an] opportunity to state who they are and what’s going on, because KCOH is a community radio station,” says Evans.

Evans is the CEO of Natalie J. Evans Public Relations & Media Positioning, where she translates her 30 years of experience in media, television and radio production, into an educational program for community members to learn about possible career opportunities in the industry. “I have always been in a scenario where I was trying to help those that are not familiar with the industry understand how to position themselves when they’re on camera, and also helping those individuals who are trying to become public speakers [and] corporate representatives,” says Evans.

Currently in partnership with the West Orem YMCA, Evans has started a six-part lecture series entitled, Crossing the Digital Divide, which focuses on young women dealing with emotional strife regarding their body images and self-esteem, and showing them how to channel their energies in a positive direction. –jason thompson

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