Denise Tunnell was fed up with the makeup women of color had to choose from. With successful careers as makeup artists, Denise along with her twin sister, Janice, created Illusions Cosmetics, a makeup line that caters to the variety of skin tones among women of color.
“With [my sister and I] being makeup artists, we kind of saw the need … there were so many lines out there supposedly for women of color, but they really didn’t target the needs of women of color,” says Tunnell. “The foundations for women of color just weren’t there, especially for the darker women of color. We knew what that need was, and we’ve used so many different lines. [We thought] why not create our own line and give women what they really want?”
Illusions Cosmetics boasts an array of flamboyant eye shadows, creamy lipsticks and foundations that complement every skin tone. Finding the inspiration for the line came directly from what friends, clients and celebrities requested.
“My sister and I both do makeup for feature films, and of course we come across a lot of celebrities. Just talking to them [and] finding out what they like and how they wear their makeup inspired certain things that were put into the line. Developing the line [was] lots of fun. You are not just taking your own personal wishes and wants and creating the line, but you are really listening to your clients,” says Tunnell. For more information, please visit – adrienne a. gadling