darnell henderson – the skin remedy

Darnell Henderson

Owner and Founder, H.I.M-istry

There are few skin care lines that cater to the specific needs of African American men, but Darnell Henderson’s H.I.M-istry vows to fill the void. Henderson’s frustration at the lack of products geared toward men of color on retailer’s shelves led him to develop a full-scale product line that includes everything from moisturizers to fragrances. 

“Whenever I would walk into different department stores, I would always realize that most of the products were mainly advertised to lighter-skinned individuals,” he says. “Once I started getting knowledge on skin care, I realized [that products] really didn’t depend on the person’s skin color, but basically it depended on skin type. That basically catapulted me to develop something that was solely based off the individual’s skin type, but at the same time had an inclusive marketing plan that featured men of many different races and colors and demographics.” 

From controlling razor bumps to healing dry skin, H.I.M-istry promises to be the antidote for many of the skin care problems facing black men. 

“I think it’s imperative that we take care of our largest organ, which is our skin,” he says. “Not one time have I seen any man of color have a skin care line that was a quality skin care line devoted to that individual.” – jason thompson 

H.I.M-istry is now being sold at select Macy’s department stores in the Atlanta area. For more information, log onto himistry.com.

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