The economy is down, the auto industry is at all-time low and your gas guzzler is costing you a fortune and destroying the environment all in one fell swoop. Have no fear, a cleaner; more eco-friendly alternative to fuel is quickly gaining popularity across the states. Whether you’re environmentally-conscious driver or simply like the idea of a healthier, more sanitary means of fueling your car, here are four reasons why you might want to invest in biodiesel. –gavin philip godfrey
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Cleaner Emissions
Biodiesel currently stands as the only source of alternative fuel to have a complete evaluation of emission results and potential health risks submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In their findings, the EPA found the biodiesel is a far less hazardous and dangerous fuel choice.
Saves the Ozone
With every turn of the ignition in your Ford Expedition, the Ozone grows weaker and more toxic. According to the EPA, the hydrocarbon emissions of biodiesel are 50 percent less than that of regular diesel fuel. With biodiesel you are free to feel no guilt while cruising in your tank of an SUV.
Better on your Health
Biodiesel has decreased levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAH). Never heard of them? Well, these are the cancer-causing compounds linked to petroleum diesel. With biodiesel, these scary-sounding acronyms are mere are just that – acronyms.
Strengthens the Economy
A 2001 EPA study found that an increase of 200 million gallons of soy-based biodiesel will help boost cash crop receipts to over $5.2 billion by the year next year. In all this adds to an increase of $300 million a year in microeconomic benefits for urban and rural areas.