An average day for television director Lisa Smith consists of countless hours spent inside the control room directing television’s most renowned sports show “Inside the NFL.” This petite and vibrant woman is sometimes overlooked, but once the taping for the show begins, you can’t help but to notice her commanding the ship to create the fresh and upbeat sports show.
Smith is the only black female director in network sports television. As rolling out spends the day with Smith at the NFL Films studio in Mt. Laurel, N.J., she shares her story and a guide for aspiring female sports journalists on how to break into the industry and become a force within the male-dominated field.
1) Be Pushy. Not rude but pushy. Don’t let anybody try to place you. If you tell them “I want to be a director, I want to be on- air talent, I want to be a director, or I want to be a producer,” then don’t let anyone tell you “no, I think you’ll be better here.” No! Do what you want to do until you decide this doesn’t work for me. Don’t let anyone else decide that for you. Be pushy about your goals.
2) Be Patient. It’s rare that someone’s going to see you and just throw an opportunity to you. You’re going to have to work very hard for what you want. But be patient, and I promise you it will work out. I’ve never thought in a million years that I would be directing “Inside the NFL.” That’s huge! But that’s where patience comes in. I’ve been stepped over and looked over. I’ve had to work 10 times harder. But I’m doing a show that people who didn’t work 10 times harder aren’t. Not to be flaunty. Every time a door shuts, another one happened. This happened and paid off.
3) Have Thick Skin. Don’t put up with foolishness. You’re going to be sexually harassed. Some people will be blatant with it, and some people will be polite with it. If they’re blatant, simply put them in their place. If they’re polite, just kind of say “No, you can’t get away with that.” People are going to be foul to you. Just smile, put them in their place and walk away, but don’t ever let them see you break down.
Lisa Smith has taken these notes throughout her career, and they have propelled her through the hierarchy of the sports broadcasting industry. Black females who aspire to compete with what Smith describes as a “boys club” must aggressively learn the ropes of sports broadcasting and remain a step ahead to be a valued competitor to win championship-caliber jobs. -kim smith