Rev. Al Sharpton offered a statement regarding the meeting:
“President Barack Obama met with three leaders of national civil rights organizations and me this morning to discuss the problems of jobs and the economy. As the nation grapples with high unemployment it is even more challenging for the African-American community due to historic structural inequality. It was a very candid and open meeting where we discussed ways to work with the President and Congress to combat unemployment and have a strong jobs creation bill, while at the same time dealing with those that are particularly impacted by these times. It is not our desire to have a race based formula, but to have policy solutions that are mindful of the differences of those in the American public that are left out the most in their ability to feed their families and build their futures. We hope to meet with Senate and House leaders to continue to urge this level of sensitivity. As one who has engaged in meetings with the past two Presidents on issues of concern, I can say that this meeting was more substantive and candid than any I have participated in and it produced a firm commitment for results rather than “feel-good” proclamations. People are hurting and need a commitment towards addressing and alleviating their pain, not just playing on their emotions.”
Marc Morial who characterized the meeting as “very positive,” and said President Obama was “engaged and sensitive to the challenges facing the most vulnerable in our society,” offered his perspective on today’s meeting:
“The crisis of unemployment and underemployment among urban and minority communities has reached a devastating level and it continues to deepen. While the overall picture appears to be brightening, we cannot allow it to blind us to the worsening situation for black Americans. I believe our meeting today with President Obama has focused his attention more solidly on the plight of these neglected communities. We are going to press the Congress to add more targeted provisions to the jobs bill. I’m grateful for the opportunity to present our case to President Obama and articulate our specific plans to address the unemployment crisis. His firm leadership over the last year has staved off a greater catastrophe and I have faith he is taking the country in a healing direction.”
Morial revealed that the jobless rate for black men last month, 17.6% and rising, is approaching the worst of the Great Depression, when nearly one in four Americans were unemployed. The percentage of white men unemployed in January was 9.1%.