Days before turning himself in to serve his prison sentence in New York, Lil Wayne decided to take care of a few important things. He began the final process of selling his condo in Miami, he had major dental surgery and, of course, he decided to finally join the Twitter matrix.
During a live Ustream feed with Young Money label mate Lil Twist, Lil Wayne announced that he opened a Twitter account under the name liltunechi and also showed off his reconstructed grill. Last week, the 27-year-old rapper reportedly underwent 8 root canals that took 8 grueling hours to complete. He also received new tooth implants and had other implants restored.
Although he finally took the time to visit the dentist, it may be hard for Lil Wayne to keep a smile on his face while at Riker’s Island. Hopefully he will get the chance to send out a few Twitts from jail.-a.r
Days before turning himself in to serve his prison sentence in New York, Lil Wayne decided to take care of a few important things. He began the final process of selling his condo in Miami, he had major dental surgery and, of course, he decided to finally join the Twitter matrix.

During a live Ustream feed with Young Money labelmate Lil Twist, Lil Wayne announced that he’d opened a Twitter account under the name liltunechi, and also showed off his reconstructed grill. Last week, the 27-year-old rapper reportedly underwent eight root canals that took eight grueling hours to complete. He also received new tooth implants and had other implants restored.
Although he finally took the time to visit the dentist, it may be hard for Lil Wayne to keep a smile on his face while at Riker’s Island. Hopefully, he will get the chance to send out a few tweets from jail. –a.r.