Leading Tea Partier Martin Williams is trying to stir up publicity for the growing movement, it seems. He recently called President Obama a “half-white” racist in an e-mail to other Tea Party Express leaders, according to reports.
In the communication, Williams appeared to be responding to accusations of racism himself, as it refers to a CNN interview in which Anderson Cooper made “false allegations” that he had called Obama a Nazi.
In the e-mail, Williams claims to have a strong civil rights record and, apparently jumbling his words, writes: “I will defend my record on race to no one under any circumstances.”
Williams’ Tea Party Express branch has been slammed as “astroturf” by other factions of the movement.
“Williams is not someone I would want being my spokesman,” a leader of the Tea Party Patriots wrote to the Huffington Post. “He comes off as an arrogant, self-promoting, egotistical jerk.”
It’s evident that the next election season will be pretty interesting and full of racial overtones, with all the characters that are coming out of the woodwork. What we thought was a step in the right direction (election of the first black president) could prove to incite blatant racism like we haven’t seen in years. –gerald radford