It looks like Terrell Owens won’t be the only football star with a reality television show; he soon will be sharing the VH1 spotlight with Chad “Ocho Cinco” Johnson.
Johnson recently joined the cast of ’Dancing with the Stars,’ which airs March 22.
Like past VH1 stars, who set out on a quest to find love, The Cincinnati Bengals star player, has done the same. His show ‘The Tournament’ will follow the 32 year old father of four on his journey to find love.
Johnson will select 16 women from all over the country, and they will compete for his time, affection, and ultimately, love.
We’ve seen Flava Flav, Ray J and now Ocho Cinco, is ready to look for love on national t.v ; ’The Tournament’ is set to premier in July 2010.
I guess Puffy was right when he said it best “It’s All About The Benjamins.’
Terrell Owens won’t be the only chocolate football star with a reality television show; he will soon be sharing the VH1 spotlight with Chad Ochocinco.

Like past VH1 stars, who set out on a quest to find love, the Cincinnati Bengals star player has done the same. His show, “The Tournament,” which is set to premiere in July, will follow the 32-year-old father of four on his journey to find love.
Sixteen women from across the country will compete for the athlete’s time, affection, and ultimately, love.
We’ve seen Flavor Flav, Ray J and now Ochocinco is ready to search for true love on national TV.
Ochocinco recently joined the cast of “Dancing with the Stars,” which airs March 22.
I guess Puffy was right when he said, “It’s All About the Benjamins.” –christian johnson