Why did you feel you needed to offer women relationship advice?
I hope to empower both an old and a new generation of women, [to] learn to be strong enough to stop engaging in the dog-pound cycle of the past. My intention for writing the book, and taking on the charge as the ‘DogCatcher’ was not to man bash, but to expose that which needed to be exposed. Inform, empower, take the covers off, educate, awaken, and unify all women.
Why do you refer to men as dogs? Doesn’t that set a negative tone?
I don’t refer to all men as dogs only the men that constantly cheat, lie, and deceive women. Men have endearingly referred to the next man as ‘dog.’ The term ‘dog’ has been adapted into the ‘skinadog movement’ to call attention to an issue that is totally out of control. From the beginning of the book, More Than One Way To Skin a Dog, the helping tone is set and flows throughout the entire book.
What is your perspective on men who cheat? Should women accept or reject this behavior?
Men that cheat are exhibiting selfish, careless, and selfless behavior. They are missing out on the depth, beauty, and maturity that can be present when they are in a relationship with just one woman. Women, men only do what we allow … reject the behavior! Let’s raise the bar in our personal lives. Every woman deserves her own man.
What role does spirituality play in connecting with the right man?
The connection between man and woman originated first in the spiritual realm, so how could it not be relevant in connecting with the right man. A woman’s spirituality brings her to a deeper place within herself and in her connection with other people. Your spiritual self, your personal self, are key in a woman’s quest to connect with the right man … spirituality fosters wisdom, self-love and positivity.
What is a common question or concern that women have?
Most women are concerned about their ‘heart[s]’ and finding a man that will be equally concerned with protecting, nurturing, and fulfilling the heart emotion — love.
With the ‘shortage’ of men, is it OK to share a man?
[Smiles] Sharing a man goes against the basic and natural nature of a woman. When a woman knowingly shares a man she is not operating in the ‘One Woman Show’ law I talk about in my book. The answer is no, never, nope!
What is a workshop like with you?
A workshop with me is interactive, enlightening, self-changing and in direct correlation with the direct and cutting edge style as the skinadog.com Web site and the entire SkinaDog movement. Nobody penetrates every aspect of the woman like the ‘DogCatcher!!’