Cleveland International Film Festival Major Hit for Independents

Cleveland International Film Festival Major Hit for IndependentsAs in years past, Cleveland’s Annual film festival was again a rousing success debuting ground breaking film projects which evoked a myriad of responses from audience members. The Cleveland International Film Festival is one of the largest in the United States and since it’s landmark 2003 year, the highly anticipated event has seen an unparalleled rise in attendance with more than 71,000 moviegoers attending this year’s event, representing a 100 percent increase in the size of the festival’s audience in less than a decade. The festival — which presented more than 300 movies from 84 countries — began with the showing of 37 films on seven screens at the prestigious Tower City Cinema. The festival opening was preceded by an elegant Preview Reception hosted by Cleveland Magazine at the Cadillac Ranch. 

The  Opening Night Gala at the M.K. Ferguson Plaza, which was sponsored by Dollar Bank, treated more than 1,300 guests to cocktails and appetizers. Mayor Frank G. Jackson of the City of Cleveland was also among the illustrious attendees. The gala commenced following the viewing of the film Timer, directed by Jac Schaeffer and produced by Jennifer Glenn. The movie is based on the unusual premise of finding love using a digital clock implanted in your wrist which counts down the seconds until you meet your true love. 

CIFF board of directors president Jules Belkins expressed immense appreciation to his staff for their exuberance and hard work which attracted more 150 sponsors. Bill Guentzler, the CIFF’s artistic director described the festival as an abundance of drama and humor, much like in the classic Greek art from of pathos and ethos. 

Rolling out, one of the event’s media participants extended their appreciation to the CIFF and sponsored the film Toe to Toe that was produced by Emily Abt. She is on the “Top Ten Directors to Watch,” and her films have be screened at the Sundance Film Festival as well.

“Toe to Toe” is the story of a couple of students in the Washington, D.C., area. One is a troubled teen from suburbia is caught uCleveland International Film Festival Major Hit for Independentsp looking for affection in the wrong places, indulging in drugs and risky behavior in the hopes of getting her mother’s attention. The other is a dedicated student who hails from the projects and makes the long and arduous journey to school daily to maintain a lacrosse scholarship and ultimately improve her lot in life. This film is a poignant comparison of life on either side of the proverbial tracks, and how what would seem to be natural adversaries may rise to the occasion and extend themselves across the chasms that divide them.

Other CIFF highlights included a variety of vendors, and from jewelry designers to pottery makers, the selection of goods was first rate. And although the CIFF intended to raise $34,000 through its Challenge Match funding initiative, they exceeded the goal and ultimately raised more than $50,000.  

–brenda hull

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