Nas and Damian Marley have made a lucrative living from observing their environments and brilliantly expressing their thoughts through music. Nas’ take on inner-city life on his classic debut, Illmatic, is arguably the greatest 40 minutes in hip-hop history. And Marley’s biggest single to date,”Welcome to Jamrock” was a harsh testimony that revealed the impoverished conditions in Jamaica that most travel agencies hide from their clients. In their collaborative effort, Distant Relative, Nas and Marley combined musically to create what could be the most innovative album of 2010. –amir shaw
Distant Relatives is the first album that features a collaboration of a major hip-hop and reggae artist. Damian, how were you introduced to hip-hop? And Nas, how were you introduced to reggae?
DM: I was turned on to hip-hop from my cousin when I was younger. The first hip-hop album that I bought was LL Cool J’s Mama Said Knock You Out.
I heard Nas’ ‘If I Ruled the World’ and I went back and [listened to] Illmatic. I could see what was so different in what he was bringing to the game. I can see how he influenced other people to rhyme.
Nas: I was introduced to reggae in the early 1980s. The entire style was appealing to me. The music was crazy. All the way up to hip-hop versions of reggae with KRS-One and Just Ice. The music they were creating was hard. Of course, Bob Marley saved my life. I would just listen to his words and I would get my mood right. ‘Buffalo Solider’ inspired me as an artist.
You both have dedicated this album to Africa. How have African traditions played a role in hip-hop and reggae?
Nas: The stories that were told in Africa in the past [were] hip-hop. The oral storytellers were rapping in their own way. We are doing the same thing with hip-hop and reggae. We’re just telling people what’s going on.
DM: When it comes to hip-hop and reggae, [both are] poetry and spoken word traditions that began with African music. All of the music is very influential. It’s something that break barriers, class and culture. It’s the heartbeat of the people. I hope an architect can listen to my music and be inspired. Music needs to encourage. Communication is the biggest thing that influences change. Our ancestors influenced our music and what we hope to change.
Damian, ‘Welcome to Jamrock’ showed a side of Jamaica that very few people get a chance to see. What you were hoping to reveal in that song?
DM: Jamaica is very beautiful, but a lot of Jamaicans don’t get a chance to experience that beauty. They don’t get to live it. It’s a third world country. There is a different struggle from a third world country and a first world country. I remember a rapper saying when we he was a kid, he didn’t have meat to eat. He said they only had vegetables and rice. And I’m thinking some people are vegans by choice. Not having meat is not necessarily suffering. When you look at the different levels of struggling, [there’s] a big difference when it comes to an American ghetto and a Jamaican ghetto.
What do you want people to get from the Distant Relatives album?
DM: I hope it sparks conversation and communication. I would say dream big and don’t give up the fight. Everything starts as a thought. from space ships to sliced bread. Vision big and do your best to make your vision become realty.