Lawrence Taylor will lose millions and possibly his freedom if he is convicted of third degree rape of a 16-year-old female prostitute in New York. But Taylor’s case should bring awareness to parents that trust teachers, clergymen and other respected individuals who could prey on children. Here are several tips that parents can use to protect their children from pedophiles. –a.r.
Identify Pedophiles in Your Neighborhood
There are several ways parents can find out if individuals who have been convicted of sex crimes live in their neighborhood. The Web site identifies the residents of sex offenders and provides information on the actual sex crime that they have committed.
Interview Teachers, Volunteers and Clergymen Who Could Have Contact With Your Children
Parents can not assume that their kids are protected when they are in the presence of teachers, volunteers and clergymen who are respected by the community in normal circumstances. Parents should question these individuals and make sure that they don’t have a history of sexual abuse against children. Most child molesters seek jobs that allow them to have access to children.
Monitor Your Child’s Use of the Internet
The Internet should be treated as seriously as driving. Responsible parents would not let their 12-year-olds drive a car alone, so why should they allow them to surf the Internet without supervision?
Talk About Inappropriate Touching
Parents must teach their kids about inappropriate touching and allow them to express themselves without judgment. It’s common for kids to feel ashamed if they become victims, so parents must always make sure that their kids are comfortable enough to talk them about anything.
Teach Your Children How to Avoid Danger
It’s impossible for parents to go everywhere with their kids as they get older. However, parents should make sure that their kids understand how to avoid compromising situations.