Black Male Sex: Are You Picking His Brain?

Black Male Sex: Are You Picking His Brain?When was the last time 

You decided by design 

That you would shape him for you.

You would begin to take control 

Keep your eye on the goal

And get him to follow through.

If you tell him and then ask him 

How he feels about marriage

Which you slyly encourage

While making love each day.

He may tell you a secret 

And really come correct.

He may answer honestly

In the throes of passion and play.

And if he says ‘yes’ 

Then you’ll know exactly what to do.

You can stay close and remind him

That he said he would marry you.

If he stops and stutters 

Shuffles and mutters

To avoid what you have in mind.

Since you’ve asked him in front of others

Then it’s time to ask a second time.

Asking people what they expect you to be

And the role you want them to play,

Will set your soul free

And enrich your living each day.

Ask them privately and even publicly

But be serious when you ask that way.

For if you choose or don’t want to lose

Don’t let opinions of others turn you away.

Ask that person so you can get a real and true answer 

And begin to take back control.

‘Love’ is often a password 

Which if frequently heard

By you and your heart at the start.

But bad behavior

And low expectations are the reason 

That love tears you apart.

The love balloon is burst

And so is your heart

And often, little is left in tact.

You can be left with a baby

A bill or worse even still

Standing alone in the dark.

Whatever it is, 

It’s like carrying rocks 

Up a steep hill.

So at the end of the day

Help love make it’s play

And ask the true question indeed.

For the last thing you want

And the last thing you need

Is for your heart to be broken and bleed.

Ask questions for the truth

And get down to what it means

To salvage your self-esteem.

There is satisfaction in words

For action and love 

Are part of the same crime.

So don’t tremble or cringe

Or become unhinged

At what asking does for thee. –phil me

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