G-Fresh, the CEO of Munki Boi Entertainment, had no intentions of being a rapper when he launched his record label. Now his hit single, “On My Momma,” is blazing the airways as one of the hottest indie records in the Midwest. G-Fresh is making it quite clear that he plans to put Indianapolis on the hip-hop map. –christian johnson
When did you decide you wanted to start your own record label?
We we’re shopping a deal for a couple of my artists, Nappyville and Riddles, and came up with the idea of starting our own label. We were in Atlanta when the idea came about. We came up with the logo and we’ve been going hard ever since.
Did you always want to be a rapper?
I wasn’t trying to be, it’s just that I was spending so much time around my artists — who are very talented — [and] it made me want to give it a shot. I[‘ve] been around a lot of people in the industry and they always asked me why I wasn’t an artist. My life is real, and I’m here to tell my story.
Was making the transition from CEO of a company to an artist difficult?
It was an easy transition because I’ve always been around the music industry, so I know what both the artist and business side consists of. These days artist-wise it’s kind of easier because people want to dance and party, so people want to hear a good beat, and lyrics don’t have to be so complex. People want to be able to understand the lyrics and sing along.
What projects are you currently working on?
I have a new mixtape out called IHUSTLE, featuring a few of my artists; Golde Patron, Yung Tone and Nappyville. At the end of the day everything I say is non-fiction, it’s all real, if I say it; I mean it.