Strippers at Bachelor Parties: Good Fun or Exploitation?

altThere’s been a lot of talk about weddings these days.  Chelsea Clinton just got married to an investment banker, and more relevant to the black community, TI and Tiny just tied the knot and Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz are next up. With that, I’ve been to my fair share of bachelor parties to celebrate the transition and I’ve seen and particpated in some pretty wild festivities. The drinking, the gambling, the strippers — all part of making the groom’s last night of freedom one to remember.  But when does good, not so innocent fun go a little too far?

I’d say when exploitation is involved. Different people take different positions on the art of stripping, from judgment to respect, but sometimes that art becomes a platform for irresponsible men for misogyny and abuse of women that think very little of themselves or feel they have no other choices in life than to shake what they’re momma gave ’em to make ends meet. When women become soulless objects in our eyes, the line has most definity been crossed.  

To protect the innocent, I won’t say where I was or who I was with, but I recently found myself at a bachelor party where I felt shame and sorrow for the “entertainment” as opposed to enjoying the skills they’ve been known to exhibit. The strippers were young girls (though not minors) that seemed directionless and pressured as what looked like both a pimp and a madam – while collecting money – barked out instructions during their performance. They were directed to insert common objects into orifices that weren’t designed for them and exploited in ways that turned my stomach. Not a good look for the girls or the guys that were taking full advantage of the disturbing exhibition.

I’ve always had issues with “men” professing devotion for one, deciding to make it official before God, then tainting what could be “Holy Matrimony” by participating in extreme debauchery the night before. It seems like those men really revert to boys before taking on one of the most challenging responsibilities life has to offer … but that’s just my opinion. That aside, celebrating entry into a new way of life is great, but if it involves degradation and taking advantage of the young and the confused, that’s when I feel we’ve gone way too far. –painfully aware

Sound off: Women, do you approve of things that go on at bachelor parties?

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