Dr. Laura, a Jew, Wrong for Telling Blacks They Are Too Sensitive About N-Word

Dr. Laura, a Jew, Wrong for Telling Blacks They Are Too Sensitive About N-WordOnly black people are told that the they are too sensitive about the N-word. Only black people are asked to forget the past. Only black people are asked to “get over” the atrocities they’ve suffered.

But no one, and I mean absolutely no one, tells Jews they are too sensitive about the horrors of the Holocaust. No one is allowed to call Jews names or dishonor them publicly without a ferocious rebuke. No one tells Jews to forget. No one. In fact, the Jewish Defense League might have an office across the street from Louis Farrakhan’s house that’s how serious they are about any perceived slights to their culture. Almost as soon as the Nation of Islam leader opens his mouth, Jews are calling Farrakhan a rabid “anti-Semite.”Dr. Laura, a Jew, Wrong for Telling Blacks They Are Too Sensitive About N-Word

That’s why it makes no sense that Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who is Jewish, would mock and belittle a black woman and the rest of African Americans on the issue of the N-word and race on her radio show.

Schlessinger said, “black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n—, n—-, n—-.”

So, you mean to tell me, Dr. Laura, that the rest of the 40 million black people have to pay the price for the ignorance of three or four black comics? Hmmm, sounds logical.

“If you’re that hypersensitive about color and don’t have a sense of humor, don’t marry out of your race,” the talk show host told the black woman.

That’s nice, Dr, Laura. I believe it was that kind of talk that initiated the Holocaust. I’m willing to bet that some of your older relatives were in the concentration camps in Germany. But I digress.

“I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the N-word all the way out more than one time. And that was wrong. I’ll say it again that was wrong.”

No kidding. It was not a mistake and you were not trying to be philosophical, Dr. Laura. It was deliberate. You meant to say it, and then out of defiance, you said it three times more. It was as if the words were simmering in your soul for a long time and then suddenly burst through your lips in torrents at the very first opportunity to say it. Admit it, Dr. Laura: it felt good to say the N-word, to unleash that repressed racism in your soul.

At one point, Dr. Laura, you mocked the woman and the NAACP by saying “don’t NAACP me.” But it was the NAACP, I have to point out to you, Dr., Laura, who buried the N-word in a very public ceremony during their annual convention in Detroit in 2008. I didn’t see you there. But then, you wouldn’t go there because there’s a lot of N-words there. But my point is, why did you scorn and debase the NAACP, Dr. Laura? It doesn’t make sense.

Bottom line is, Dr. Laura should know better than to behave like that, because she would not tolerate anyone belittling Jews. She would not stay on the radio arguing with someone who hates Jews or demeans Judaism or speaks ill of the state of Israel.

We demand the same treatment. –terry shropshire

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