British Teen Banned From Entering America for Life for Sending Obama an Abusive E-Mail

British Teen Banned From Entering America for Life for Sending Obama an Abusive E-MailA British teenager who sent an abusive e-mail to Barack Obama has been banned from the United States for life. Luke Angel, 17, who claims he was drunk at the time, said that he was just expressing his feelings after watching a television program on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Angel admits that he cannot recall the precise details of his tirade, which he sent to a White House e-mail address, but we do know it made reference to the president being a “prick.” “I don’t remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk,” he told The Sun newspaper.

Upon a request from the FBI, the local police visited Angel at his Silsoe, Bedfordshire, home. He was banned from visiting America for life but will not face criminal charges.

This is the first international case as such since the Extradition Act that governs arrangements between the U.S. and UK was announced earlier this month by Home Secretary Theresa May. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said they could not comment on the case.

Believe it or not, many on the right actually are upset that Angel has been banned. Forgetting that it is not the president’s call but rather the FBI and the Secret Service. These are the same people who forget that since this president has been in office, death threats against the commander in chief have increased more than 400 percent. –torrance stephens, ph.d.

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