It was only a matter of time before Kanye West began to think about leaving a legacy on earth outside of his music and temper tantrums. In a recent interview with I.D. Magazine, Mr. West began to contemplate life with a few little Yeezys running around. But before he can do that, the rapper is committed to finding a woman worthy enough to mother his child. Here’s what he had to say:
“I’m a hopeless romantic and I’m looking and trying to decide who the mother of my child will be. It’s not going to be based off a whim of being in love; she has to bring a certain level to the table. I want to be married, I want that super dope counterpart, that one woman, but she has to be super-fresh, super-smart and not overwhelmed, because being with me is gonna be a job (laughs).”
Sometimes, just being a West supporter in general is a job, so we can only imagine the amount of patience it will take for someone to be his baby mama. Let the official search for Kanye’s wife begin. Good luck, ladies! –djr