Jay-Z and Kanye West are probably somewhere sharing a hearty laugh about the increased “devil” chatter based on the artwork from their upcoming joint album. West recently revealed the piece on Twitter, and immediately message boards around the world began to light up with endless “see I told you they worshipped the devil” banter.
Even rolling out wondered if these two successful artists could actually be part of some New World order determined to control the world through their power and influence (read here). While we found it hard to believe that two rappers would be given access to a group likely composed of rich, old billionaires (if it even exists), one does have to wonder why they continue to open themselves up for this type of ridiculous conversation.
Smart money says that they enjoy it. And while we await the Jan. 11 drop of their first single, let the conversation begin on what HAM stands for on their album cover. Here are some of our guesses.
Hail All Mighty
Humans and Monsters
Haters Are Mad
Hov and Me
Hov Ate McDonald’s
Hot A– Midgets
Happy and Merry
You give it a try. Is this artwork or devil worship? Or is does the fanatical side of hip-hop culture need to sit down and relax? You be the judge. –djr