Juan Williams: The White Man’s Black Man

Juan Williams: The White Man’s Black ManSometimes, journalist Juan Williams sees young blacks and it makes him nervous.
Williams stated recently:

“You think that simply saying what you think is evidence of bigotry that all of a sudden it’s as if you were walking by a black man that would mean if you were bigoted if you were somewhat nervous. Let me just tell you, with the amount of black-on-black crime in America, I get nervous and I’m a black man.”


To be clear, Williams is a brilliant journalist, by all standards, and his current employer, Fox News, is well aware of that fact.

Critics have charged that the Fox News franchise itself is racist, but Williams defended the station:

“Just consider the idea that Fox allows me the opportunity to sit in for Bill O’Reilly on their No. 1 show,” Williams said. “That’s the franchise. That’s the moneymaker. If that show falls in the toilet, it’s bad for the whole lineup. And yet Fox allows a black guy with a Hispanic name to sit in the big chair and host the show.”

Perhaps it’s Williams’ criticism of President Obama that earned him the Fox News pass.
Obama was barely settled in the Oval Office when Williams wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

“Mr. Obama was forced to give a speech on race as a result of revelations that he’d long attended a church led by a demagogue. It was an ordinary speech. At best it was successful at minimizing a political problem. Yet some in the media equated it to the Gettysburg Address.”

(Can you say, hateration?)

Williams has issues with Muslims as well.

In October, of last year, NPR News terminated Williams’ contract after he told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly:

“… When I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Immediately afterwards, Williams scored a cushy $2 million contract with Fox News as a political analyst.

For Williams, a man who “gets nervous” around blacks, and gets “worried” around Muslims, the conservative Fox News Channel seems to make him feel right at home.

Lucky for Williams, Dave Chappelle’s Racial Draft isn’t a reality, as some blacks would send him to the other team.

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