I was admiring an outfit that I saw in a fashion spread and liked it so much that I decided to try to repeat the look for less. I stopped in at my favorite Goodwill near my house. While browsing through the racks, I found a black sequined skirt. It was two sizes too big but I have a great seamstress that I knew could alter it.
That’s one thing you will need when you shop at second-hand stores, a great seamstress. If you see a dress or skirt you really love, but it’s too small, too big or too long, you can always call on your seamstress to help you get the perfect fit.
I then went to to the blouse section and saw a polo striped T-shirt that looked just like the photo. My T-shirt has cap sleeves but I just took black ribbon and tied them up on both sides to make it look more like the image.
My complete outfit cost me a grand total of $8.00. Every week, Goodwill has a color-coded tag hanging from the garment, too. If you happen to pick their color of the week, you can get that piece of clothing for half off! So your looking at pennies for a fabulous outfit. I cover a lot of events in Atlanta and there is no way I can pay for an outfit every time I go somewhere, so I frequent thrift stores weekly for bargains and unique items.
Some things are not always worn either but donated by the department stores or other places with the tags still attached. I have found Burberry, Chanel, Escada, St. John and more designer duds all at the Goodwill and get plenty of compliments when I put it all together. With updated jewelry, shoes and a handbag, you will look just as fashionable as the next.
I’m sure the designer outfit the model is wearing costs much more than I spent, but I think I did a pretty good job of putting the same look together for less. Never frown upon going to a Goodwill, consignment store or anywhere else you can get clothing for dirt cheap prices. With a great cleaners and seamstress, you can re-create looks from your favorite fashion magazines without breaking the bank. –tami reed